Saturday, August 21, 2010

Unit of measures:

Now let's learn about unit of measures. Before that I will tell what is measurement? To describe the physical quantity magnitude of any object we use this unit of measures. For example length is a physical quantity, for meaasuring this we use the unit meter as a predetermined measurement.

Each country hit own measurements for activity the quantities. But the function measurements are accepted by all the countries. The function measurements individual few symbolization performance to permute the measurements. The amount activity has many rules to use units. We can persuade one organization to others. Let us see activity organization convertor in this article.

Kilogram: Kilogram is used to define mass or weight of any substance. SI unit of measurement define the unit, weight in kilograms.
Volume: Volume is used to measure the capacity of an object. The unit of measure of volume is given by I
Temperature: Temperature is used to measure temperature of the place or an object, unit of measure is Celsius.
Liter: This is used to measure the quantity of any liquid.
Time: Time states that the distance between times. Which is denoted as s as a unit.
Length: Length is used to find the distance between two common points. The unit of measure used for length is Meter.

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