Monday, August 9, 2010

Learn about Rectangle

Rectangle is one of the most important geometrical shapes. It is formed with the intersection of four line segments, where opposite lines are equal. The following is the shape of the rectangle.To define rectangle in simple terms it can be said as a four sided shape where every angle is right angle also opposite sides having equal length and are parallel. it is also a polygons shape of 4 sides.
A rectangle is equiangular means its all angle measures 90 degree. In any rectangle diagonals are congruent. You can easily calculate the area of rectangle using area of a rectangle formula which is given below:

Area = Width * Height

Calculating the perimeter of a rectangle: The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance around the outside of the rectangle. The formula for finding the perimeter is given below:
P = 2 (l+w)
where l = length of the rectangle and w = width of the rectangle.

In any rectangle all angles are congruent. Here you have learnt about rectangle try and explore it.

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